Tuesday 21 May 2013

The Final Proyect!

    Hello bloggers! As you know every term we have to do a proyect in this case, as we are at the end of the school year, and we will collect all our experiences along the way in a magazine. This magazine is called "The Lazy C", this title because we are a little lazy. Well, we will write an article about our experience to be new students at school and about the new subject "CMC". Besides all this, each participant Studen't World  will have to participate in another article. Soon you will be able to see the magazine published!

The School Magazine!

     Hello surfers! Like each term, I have to do a new proyect, in this case, it's a school magazine. Each class has a particular magazine. I have got to write about the experience of being a new student at school, about the subject of CMC and theater, that was an exercise in PE, where we represent "The Wizard of Oz". Soon you will see the result of the magazine! It will be fantastic!